Useful Links

Useful water related web-links

Recommended system for reference in an academic report:

Link about plagiarism:

Water Resources in Developing Countries
REU sites and site development can be found at
Source Water and Sanitation News Service is a joint endeavour of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) and IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre.
World's Water, a site dedicated to providing up-to-date water information    (a lot of links here)
The Global Water Issues
"Water" and "Environment" sites around the world
The Mekong River Commission (MRC)
WatsanWeb is the internet portal to the water and sanitation sector with a focus on developing countries.
The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) is an umbrella organization for global water-related scientific activities initiated in Stockholm.

Global Water Partnership
Bonn Freshwater Conference Outcomes
NIPR New Ideas New Ideas in Pollution Regulation
PACE Homepage Professional Association for China’s Environment(PACE)
Water Portal of UNESCO

Water Encyclopedia

Please Note that
  1. These links have been gathered from different sources, if you want to share some other useful and helpful links, please submit them, and i will be happy to post them here for the benefit of all us .
  2. Not all resources/links are free to use, and on some places you would require some additional credentials to use them